ยาไทยแพงทะลุฟ้า คนไทยเข้าไม่ถึงยาจำเป็น…จริงหรือ
ปฏิญญาสมัชชาคุณธรรมแห่งชาติ ครั้งที่4
หมอเกษมชี้มหาวิทยาลัยที่พึ่งสุดท้ายคลายวิกฤต สับทำตัวอีแอบ ระวังไม่มีใครเชื่อถือ!

Workshop on University's Social Responsibility and Sustainability (USR&S) from ASEAN-Japan Perspectives: Sharing and Caring for a Better Community
Chulalongkorn University shows some social responsibility
National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030 - Report of the Strategy Group
The Collaboration & Development of University Social Responsibility in the 21st Century
What is University Social Responsibility (USR)?
Managing University Social Responsibility (USR)
Measuring the Footprint of a Campus: A multidisciplinary approach for University Social Responsibility
University Social Responsibility the Foundation of a Social Service Program
University Social Responsibility by Universitas Gadjah Mada: United Bond between Education and Social Responsibility
The Scope of Social Responsibility in the University Research Environment
University Social Responsibility (USR) at UTM 
Driving Universities’ Collaboration toward the New Era of Sustainable Social Responsibility
The Influence of Information communication Technology on University Socisl Responsibility
Facing Global And Local Challenges : The New Dynamics for Higher Education
Higher Education in South-East Asia
Performance indicators for assessing and benchmarking research capacities in Universities
Academin freedom in countries of Asia
UNESCO Bangkok and Education for All
Sasin Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
AUSJAL Institutional Strengthening Project on University Social Responsibility
Word Conferene on Higher Education
Challenges in university governance and management
Bad Preparation Puts Community College Students at Risk
Asia-Pacific Sub-regional Preparatory Conference for the 2009 World Conference on Higher Education